So ends another year,lets have a look back shall we ?
Alestorm - Captain Morgans Revenge
Chaosanct – I Of Goliath EP
Children Of Bodom – Blooddrunk
Chrome Division - Booze, Broads & Beelzebub
Alice Cooper - Along Came A Spider
Darkthrone - Dark Thrones & Black Flags
Girlschool - Legacy
Jex Thoth - Jex Thoth
Judas Priest - Nostradamus
Motley Crue - Saints Of Los Angeles
Motorhead - Motorizer
Ravens Creed – Militia Of Blood Sacrifice EP
Satyricon - Age Of Nero
Slipknot - All Hope Is Gone
12 Ton Method - Art Of Not Falling EP
Venom - Hell
AC/DC - Black Ice
Guns N Roses - Chinese Democracy
Metallica - Death Magnetic
Music & Related Reviews. Other writing from the obscure realms of Mr Stu's Mind.
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Rock Attic 20th December
Stepping in at the last moment to help rescue a bill that was falling apart thanks to some
genuine reasons from some bands and some crap ones from others, the London band formerly
know as 'Seasons Of Six' put on a good show.
Their opening was very gothic and atmospheric this was followed by 30 minutes of melodic
Death Metal played with true style and conviction.
At times the melodic side takes over so perhaps they should drop the death metal element all together and just be good old "Heavy Metal".
First rate female bassist Nicky fingers flew up and down the fretboard complimenting the
excellent guitarwork of Marcel.Vocalist Cletus screamed his lungs out but also managed to
sing as well,he also looks like Wayne Static's brother !
Any band who use the cookie monster theme as their intro are going to get a double horns up
from me !
Words such as "Brutal" and "Crushing" are the best chosen when describing their aural assault of Death Metal.
One of the most technically proficient bands in the scene anywhere in the UK, they played to
a packed venue full of appreciative headbangers eager for more.
This was bassist Rob's last show with the band and it was one of their best, so a suitable
farewell with songs like 'Evil Evil' slaying everything in its path.
Gig number two for the reformed (no lets change that to remade) thrash legends, still
proving that they are better, faster and stronger and ready to take on the pretenders to
the throne of UK thrash.
Tonights show began with Coke pacing up and down during the intro shouting "Lets fucking do
this!", the whole band were pumped and ready.
Notch this one up as "Job Done", audience worn out and sweating, band playing perfectly (even
Sam's amp commiting suicide during one song, quickly replaced so the onslaught could
continue) and shouts for an encore which was duly delivered.
They need to expand their set and though this may be herecy to some,i would drop a couple
more new songs into the set and lose some older ones.
Word is more gigs are planned and a new EP by April, this Virus is dangerous and ready to
infect,question is now.."Are you ready ?"

Rock Attic 20th December
Stepping in at the last moment to help rescue a bill that was falling apart thanks to some
genuine reasons from some bands and some crap ones from others, the London band formerly
know as 'Seasons Of Six' put on a good show.
Their opening was very gothic and atmospheric this was followed by 30 minutes of melodic
Death Metal played with true style and conviction.
At times the melodic side takes over so perhaps they should drop the death metal element all together and just be good old "Heavy Metal".
First rate female bassist Nicky fingers flew up and down the fretboard complimenting the
excellent guitarwork of Marcel.Vocalist Cletus screamed his lungs out but also managed to
sing as well,he also looks like Wayne Static's brother !
Any band who use the cookie monster theme as their intro are going to get a double horns up
from me !
Words such as "Brutal" and "Crushing" are the best chosen when describing their aural assault of Death Metal.
One of the most technically proficient bands in the scene anywhere in the UK, they played to
a packed venue full of appreciative headbangers eager for more.
This was bassist Rob's last show with the band and it was one of their best, so a suitable
farewell with songs like 'Evil Evil' slaying everything in its path.
Gig number two for the reformed (no lets change that to remade) thrash legends, still
proving that they are better, faster and stronger and ready to take on the pretenders to
the throne of UK thrash.
Tonights show began with Coke pacing up and down during the intro shouting "Lets fucking do
this!", the whole band were pumped and ready.
Notch this one up as "Job Done", audience worn out and sweating, band playing perfectly (even
Sam's amp commiting suicide during one song, quickly replaced so the onslaught could
continue) and shouts for an encore which was duly delivered.
They need to expand their set and though this may be herecy to some,i would drop a couple
more new songs into the set and lose some older ones.
Word is more gigs are planned and a new EP by April, this Virus is dangerous and ready to
infect,question is now.."Are you ready ?"

Thursday, 18 December 2008

2.Our Desperate Story
3.The Betrayal
Dan - Lead Vocals
Mike - Lead Guitar
Tommy - Guitar, Backing Vocals
George - Bass, Backing Vocals
Lukey V - Drums
There is little to fault here,this is as near perfect as you would expect from a bunch of lads who started out covering a handfull of Avenged Sevenfold songs a couple of years ago then grew up and started to take notice of Iron maiden.
Sure this has Maiden stamped all over it, but its no clone,there is originality here delivered in a style that would appeal to ten thousand young rock fans out there who are being force fed shit like fall out boy and the automatic.
Vocalist Dan sings (yep sings none of your cookie monster stuff here) sure he growls occasionally but his style brings a little class along with that dual guitar attack,solid bass and solid drumming.
Kerrang covers stars within the year i think!
Rating 8/10
Get This If You Like : Iron Maiden, Killswitch Engage
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
King Lizard
Hollow Limit
Rock Attic 13.12.08
Hollow Limit
With their melodic blend of Iron Maiden meets Killswitch Engage they may have seen an odd choice for opening act, but this bunch of young rockers took to the stage and demanded attention.
After a cool start the audience started to warm up when they did a cover of Maiden's 'The Trooper', from that point over they won them over with each successive song recieving a loud cheer.
The band have a great stage presence and a good dual guitar sound with a very talented frontman who was not afraid to jump into the crowd and sing right in their faces.
One to watch for in 2009 i think.
Expectations were very high and the conversations outside were colourful, the question being could Coke McFinlay pull off a new Virus with him being the only original member and with it being nearly 20 years since their last gig.
The attic was packed with many old fans, some had traveled many miles to be here,
punks, skinheads and young thrash metallers were all waiting... then out went the lights the smoke machine spluttered into life and the intro tape rolled, out walked Coke, Matt, Sam and Dave they picked up and stood behind their chosen weapons of destruction and then Blam!straight into 'Seeing Is Believing' the place went fucking crazy!
In those few opening notes Coke had already proved his point and silenced the critics yes he could pull it off, but he went one better this is a new invigorated Virus full of life and power and dedicated to the music now and not on a nostalgia trip.
Though Coke had not sung with the previous incarnation he was more than capable of breathing new life into the songs and Dave's subtle changes to the drumming have dragged the classics like 'Lunacy' and 'Pray For War' kicking and screaming into the modern age.
I tell you this forewarned is forarmed Virus want their throne back !This was hammered home with a brand new song called 'Skulls Of My Enemies' move over Evile your slayer worship days are over, original brit thrash is back.
The final songs were'Dont Get Mad, Get Even' and 'Testify To Me', a solid 30 minute set that left every single person there covered in sweat and cheering for more, i did not hear a single complaint, not one person said anything negative.
King Lizard
The Camden Crue were an unlikley headline act, but its about time that they played outside their "Box" and they won over a few new fans tonight and gained some respect from fellow musicians, one of whom will remain nameless but plays in a death metal band was jumping up and down and singing along and headbanging big time !
It has to be said that they entertained above and beyond normal duty and in particular turned much of their attention to their friend and long time fan Ross who was celebrating his 21st birthday.
After each song drummer Sky brought fourth a shot of Jagermeister for him to drink, to be honest the band had been getting him sloshed all evening, im amazed that
Ross got any pictures or video footage at all tonight.
Ross was dragged on stage to sing 'Riot' and displayed some quality headbanging as he slid down alice's mic stand!
Another shot and Flash pulled him onstage again to introduce 'Outrageous', i must point out that during each song more and more people were coming back to watch them.
The first trouble of the night came during Niro's guitar solo when a drunken idiot decided to go for his guitar, i jumped up and threw him off as he then tried to grab a mic stand.
Some people really need to learn how to behave and was lucky this time do that with another band at another venue and some roadie or security guy may think of Dimebag and do more than just push you.
One more song and another shot, then the second problem as Ross had to be propped up, that last shot was one too many, as the band continued Ross became worse and eventually collapsed, at first it was still funnny and Sky mouthed to me if he had killed him, i gave the thumbs up, it was his mission to do so and "Death By Sky" was achieved.
However as the band kicked into an amazing improptu version of 'Whole Lotta Rosie', Ross became worse, the band ended their set with 'Johnny B Goode' and were joined by the lads from Hollow Limit.
When the venue cleared it was a mixture of nervous laughter and concern for about half an hour, numerous people came to help including a girl called Jenny, and an off duty policewoman came and took control, we were all hoping that positioned right and a little sleep that Ross would arise, but he did'nt in fact he became cold and totally unresponsive and the officer called for an ambulance.
We then spent the night at a hospital in Tooting where 5 hours later Ross came round.
Much respect to king lizard who were constantly texting to see how he was.
I think everyone was concerned that things had gone a little too far, but in all honesty at the time Ross was having fun (Including laughing whilst being sick and still trying to sing along), so all in all no harm was done and everyone is still alive.
King Lizard (nearly) killed ross..What a headline, they came,they drank,they conquered and played one of their best sets ever, it was raw and alive and they got thrash metal fans dancing!!!The police woman asked an unconcious ross at one point "do you know where you are" if he was awake he could have shouted "In The Jungle Baby"!.
Hollow Limit

Hollow Limit
Rock Attic 13.12.08
Hollow Limit
With their melodic blend of Iron Maiden meets Killswitch Engage they may have seen an odd choice for opening act, but this bunch of young rockers took to the stage and demanded attention.
After a cool start the audience started to warm up when they did a cover of Maiden's 'The Trooper', from that point over they won them over with each successive song recieving a loud cheer.
The band have a great stage presence and a good dual guitar sound with a very talented frontman who was not afraid to jump into the crowd and sing right in their faces.
One to watch for in 2009 i think.
Expectations were very high and the conversations outside were colourful, the question being could Coke McFinlay pull off a new Virus with him being the only original member and with it being nearly 20 years since their last gig.
The attic was packed with many old fans, some had traveled many miles to be here,
punks, skinheads and young thrash metallers were all waiting... then out went the lights the smoke machine spluttered into life and the intro tape rolled, out walked Coke, Matt, Sam and Dave they picked up and stood behind their chosen weapons of destruction and then Blam!straight into 'Seeing Is Believing' the place went fucking crazy!
In those few opening notes Coke had already proved his point and silenced the critics yes he could pull it off, but he went one better this is a new invigorated Virus full of life and power and dedicated to the music now and not on a nostalgia trip.
Though Coke had not sung with the previous incarnation he was more than capable of breathing new life into the songs and Dave's subtle changes to the drumming have dragged the classics like 'Lunacy' and 'Pray For War' kicking and screaming into the modern age.
I tell you this forewarned is forarmed Virus want their throne back !This was hammered home with a brand new song called 'Skulls Of My Enemies' move over Evile your slayer worship days are over, original brit thrash is back.
The final songs were'Dont Get Mad, Get Even' and 'Testify To Me', a solid 30 minute set that left every single person there covered in sweat and cheering for more, i did not hear a single complaint, not one person said anything negative.
King Lizard
The Camden Crue were an unlikley headline act, but its about time that they played outside their "Box" and they won over a few new fans tonight and gained some respect from fellow musicians, one of whom will remain nameless but plays in a death metal band was jumping up and down and singing along and headbanging big time !
It has to be said that they entertained above and beyond normal duty and in particular turned much of their attention to their friend and long time fan Ross who was celebrating his 21st birthday.
After each song drummer Sky brought fourth a shot of Jagermeister for him to drink, to be honest the band had been getting him sloshed all evening, im amazed that
Ross got any pictures or video footage at all tonight.
Ross was dragged on stage to sing 'Riot' and displayed some quality headbanging as he slid down alice's mic stand!
Another shot and Flash pulled him onstage again to introduce 'Outrageous', i must point out that during each song more and more people were coming back to watch them.
The first trouble of the night came during Niro's guitar solo when a drunken idiot decided to go for his guitar, i jumped up and threw him off as he then tried to grab a mic stand.
Some people really need to learn how to behave and was lucky this time do that with another band at another venue and some roadie or security guy may think of Dimebag and do more than just push you.
One more song and another shot, then the second problem as Ross had to be propped up, that last shot was one too many, as the band continued Ross became worse and eventually collapsed, at first it was still funnny and Sky mouthed to me if he had killed him, i gave the thumbs up, it was his mission to do so and "Death By Sky" was achieved.
However as the band kicked into an amazing improptu version of 'Whole Lotta Rosie', Ross became worse, the band ended their set with 'Johnny B Goode' and were joined by the lads from Hollow Limit.
When the venue cleared it was a mixture of nervous laughter and concern for about half an hour, numerous people came to help including a girl called Jenny, and an off duty policewoman came and took control, we were all hoping that positioned right and a little sleep that Ross would arise, but he did'nt in fact he became cold and totally unresponsive and the officer called for an ambulance.
We then spent the night at a hospital in Tooting where 5 hours later Ross came round.
Much respect to king lizard who were constantly texting to see how he was.
I think everyone was concerned that things had gone a little too far, but in all honesty at the time Ross was having fun (Including laughing whilst being sick and still trying to sing along), so all in all no harm was done and everyone is still alive.
King Lizard (nearly) killed ross..What a headline, they came,they drank,they conquered and played one of their best sets ever, it was raw and alive and they got thrash metal fans dancing!!!The police woman asked an unconcious ross at one point "do you know where you are" if he was awake he could have shouted "In The Jungle Baby"!.
Hollow Limit

Tuesday, 9 December 2008
VIRUS - Return Of Brtish Thrash Legends Gig Information

Remember Pray For War,Force Recon and Lunacy ?
Well now the legendary thrashers have returned with original member Coke Mcfinlay on guitar and vocals with new blood in the shape of Dave Sherwood (Ex Doreterna/Tiberium) on Drums, Bassist Matt and Sam Brandon (Matron) on rhythm guitar.
They have been working hard to put together an earblasting set, having already played one secret live set as a three piece as Sam was ill they are now gearing up for a very promising 2009.
So this month they are diving back into the live scene with two gigs at the Rock Attic and can also be heard interviewed on Total Rock Radio on wednesday 10 december.

Monday, 8 December 2008

2.Restless Soul
4.Into The Metaverse
6.Pillars Of Creation
James Tinson - Guitars
Paul Du Plessis - Guitars
Tom Webster - Vocals
Matt Hart - Bass/Viola
Saif Abed - Drums
Havoc System came into existence at the beginning of the year and are already making a dent on the Metal scene, this 6 track mini album is worthy addition to your collection.
The intro is actually quite clever as it introduces you to the upcoming tracks !
To be honest there is no point going through this track by track because if you like the first proper song 'Restless Soul' with its mixture of melody and old Black Metal rifferey done in such a way that you cant stop headbanging then you'll love the rest.
The odd thing about this band is that when you hear them you know you are listning to a band who play black metal in everything but name, because they are "not" a black metal band,hell even when i hear Tom sing i picture Euronymous or that other Tom from Celtic Frost.
The band list their influences as KSE and Lamb Of God, to my ears it has to be Mayhem, Emperor and other bands of that ilk.
So if they want to emulate their influences then they need to make some changes, however if they continue in this vein then its corpse paint time and world tours with Cradle and Aborym :)
Rating 8/10
Get This If You Like : Doreterna.Mayhem.Celtic Frost.Emperor.Opeth
Havoc System
Rock Attic 06.12.08
Hungarian Death Metal anyone??
Yes is the answer you are looking for, these guys draw on influences from Bjork to Meshuggah and create one helluva sound fronted by shouty/growling vocals.Definatley one band to watch out for.
Despite forming in 1999 this is the Belgium Death/Thrash metal bands first uk gig.Hammering their way through a set that song by song was getting more crowd attention they
managed to erupt the venue with a spirited cover of Sepultura's 'Territory', they left the stage to a massive round of applause, many a cheer and new fans.
Havoc System
Headbanging metal driven by solid bass and drum work, huge riffs and a vocalist who sounds
like he should be in a Norwegian Black Metal band.
It must have been a little weird for the band taking to the stage in front of a packed Rock
Attic knowing that it was guitarist Andy's last show with them and also introducing new
songs into the set at the same time.
Tonights show was possible their best so far,the band are clearly tighter musically, bassist
Tilman has brought his sampler thing with him so that the soundbites used on the studio
recordings can be heard live as well (Good move), Matt seemed more relaxed behind the kit
whilst triggering at machine gun speed, James' guitarwork was outstanding and he seemed to
be having fun with his wah pedal !
Andys guitarwork was also exemplary and quickly recovered from a amp malfunction at one point.
Dave vocals are just getting better every time too his ability to range from Burton C Bell
to Dani Filth without drawing breath is a wonder to behold and i still maintain that he has
the best voice in metal in the uk that you will hear.
I must single out one new track "Oppenheimer" its a doomy goth tinged masterpiece very dark
and atmospheric adding yet another string to the complex bow that dares to call itself
Their triumphant set ended to shouts of "more" and James ripping the strings off
his guitar and cutting his fingers in the process, a fitting end to this current line
up, cant wait for their next move.
Once again i miss the headline act due to the wonderful british train system, i caught their
first song and it was good then had to go.

Havoc System
Rock Attic 06.12.08
Hungarian Death Metal anyone??
Yes is the answer you are looking for, these guys draw on influences from Bjork to Meshuggah and create one helluva sound fronted by shouty/growling vocals.Definatley one band to watch out for.
Despite forming in 1999 this is the Belgium Death/Thrash metal bands first uk gig.Hammering their way through a set that song by song was getting more crowd attention they
managed to erupt the venue with a spirited cover of Sepultura's 'Territory', they left the stage to a massive round of applause, many a cheer and new fans.
Havoc System
Headbanging metal driven by solid bass and drum work, huge riffs and a vocalist who sounds
like he should be in a Norwegian Black Metal band.
It must have been a little weird for the band taking to the stage in front of a packed Rock
Attic knowing that it was guitarist Andy's last show with them and also introducing new
songs into the set at the same time.
Tonights show was possible their best so far,the band are clearly tighter musically, bassist
Tilman has brought his sampler thing with him so that the soundbites used on the studio
recordings can be heard live as well (Good move), Matt seemed more relaxed behind the kit
whilst triggering at machine gun speed, James' guitarwork was outstanding and he seemed to
be having fun with his wah pedal !
Andys guitarwork was also exemplary and quickly recovered from a amp malfunction at one point.
Dave vocals are just getting better every time too his ability to range from Burton C Bell
to Dani Filth without drawing breath is a wonder to behold and i still maintain that he has
the best voice in metal in the uk that you will hear.
I must single out one new track "Oppenheimer" its a doomy goth tinged masterpiece very dark
and atmospheric adding yet another string to the complex bow that dares to call itself
Their triumphant set ended to shouts of "more" and James ripping the strings off
his guitar and cutting his fingers in the process, a fitting end to this current line
up, cant wait for their next move.
Once again i miss the headline act due to the wonderful british train system, i caught their
first song and it was good then had to go.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

1.Dig Your Grave
2.Nowhere To Run
Andy Law - Vocals
Mick Priestley - Guitar/Bass
Andy Brook - Keyboards
Adrian Erlandsson - Drums
Starting off with a slow almost bluesy intro Dig Your Grave then kicks into just about the best damn metal track you'll hear in a long time.
Powerfull and anthemic with amazing guitar work that out does that cold lifeless Dragonforce stuff anyday, Mick plays with a real passion and that comes over on disc just as it did when he played live with Nothin To Lose.
Track two is more of the same and catchy as hell with great vocals, reminding me of wednesday 13, but then how can you go wrong when you have been working hard on something for so long and enlist Adrian to play drums for you?????
The last track is an instrumental which gives Mick another chance to show that he is one of this countrys best guitarists (Herman who??) but with soul.
Gigs, video and much more is lined up for 2009, you need to watch out for this.
To be honest the only thing i dont like about this is the name 'Green River Project' as it gives the impression its some kind of tribute to the pre Pearl Jam/Mudhoney grunge band, though i suspect that Mick may have gone for the serial killer connection, its still confusing and when it comes to promoting the band could cause problems.
Rating - 10/10
Get This If You Like : Yngwie Malmsteen,Steve Vai,Dragonforce
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
CHAOSANCT Gig & CD Information
CAVALAR,ROXVILLE,VINTAGE STEEL - Rock Attic,Streatham 29.11.08 (Gig Review)
Vintage Steel
Rock Attic 29.11.08
Vintage Steel
First gig from the band formed by ex Tempest guitarist Pawel and ex Tiberium bassist Mark.With a brand new vocalist who sounds like Glen Danzig they have all the right elements to be a great band, but tonight reducing their set to just 4 songs including a spirited
cover of Velvet Revolvers 'Sliter' the band clearly were not ready to play live.
Only their fourth gig and not even been together for a year,Roxville totally exploded on
stage showing a maturity and confidence that normally comes with many years experience.
Tapping in on a wide variety of influences from Ac/Dc to Motley Crue their songs are an instant hit with the crowd, many singing along with the catchy chorus' even though they dont
know them yet, and that is a testament to the quality of this bands material it has that "feel good" factor.
I tell you this in one year this band are going to be huge, go check them out.
Turns out to be their fourth anniversary tonight and they are recording the whole show.
Unfortunatley vocalist Luca informs us that the set will be all new songs from their
upcoming new album.
Now there were a couple of stand out songs played 'The Outsiders' and 'Higher' but the rest
of the songs, though good, were not really for a live set (at least not until the albums
released and we have got used to hearing them).
So i was dissapointed, also the band were running very late and deciding to play a full set
at half ten when the last train is around 11:15 meant that we had to leave and miss the
So, still a great band, just not a great gig.
Vintage Steel
Vintage Steel
Rock Attic 29.11.08
Vintage Steel
First gig from the band formed by ex Tempest guitarist Pawel and ex Tiberium bassist Mark.With a brand new vocalist who sounds like Glen Danzig they have all the right elements to be a great band, but tonight reducing their set to just 4 songs including a spirited
cover of Velvet Revolvers 'Sliter' the band clearly were not ready to play live.
Only their fourth gig and not even been together for a year,Roxville totally exploded on
stage showing a maturity and confidence that normally comes with many years experience.
Tapping in on a wide variety of influences from Ac/Dc to Motley Crue their songs are an instant hit with the crowd, many singing along with the catchy chorus' even though they dont
know them yet, and that is a testament to the quality of this bands material it has that "feel good" factor.
I tell you this in one year this band are going to be huge, go check them out.
Turns out to be their fourth anniversary tonight and they are recording the whole show.
Unfortunatley vocalist Luca informs us that the set will be all new songs from their
upcoming new album.
Now there were a couple of stand out songs played 'The Outsiders' and 'Higher' but the rest
of the songs, though good, were not really for a live set (at least not until the albums
released and we have got used to hearing them).
So i was dissapointed, also the band were running very late and deciding to play a full set
at half ten when the last train is around 11:15 meant that we had to leave and miss the
So, still a great band, just not a great gig.
Vintage Steel

Monday, 1 December 2008
KING LIZARD,LOVE AND BULLETS,SWITCHBLADE KISS - Underworld,Camden 28.11.08 (Gig Review)
King Lizard
Love & Bullets
Switchblade Kiss
Underworld 28.11.08
Switchblade Kiss
There seems to be quite a "Buzz" about these rockers from Southampton, but their generic glam punk is nothing special, you've heard it all before and will again and again.
Love And Bullets
A return to the stage for the second time this year, having split in January, and when you see the crowd singing along you wonder why they quit, their brand of classic rock mixed with a little glam and punk retains originality.Stand out tracks were '24 Hour Bitch' and the moving,heart wrenching 'Cunt'.
As some of you may know guitarist/vocalist Lakis now plays guitar with Nemhain so it was of special intrest to some of us when Liv Boeree (Nemhains very first guitarist) came on stage armed with guitar to play a cover of the Donnas 'Take It Off'.
All in all a good solid set.
King Lizard
They say that if you want to make it in this buisness then you have to work hard and the fearsome foursome of Flash, Sky, Niro and Alice have been working very hard for 2 years now and tonight was pay day!
Quizmania host Tim comes out onto the stage and introduces the members of the band and asks if we are ready to rock (Ahh the rock cliche number 23).
A packed Underworld went silent as the lights went out and the intro tape came on,a different approach from the band,you just knew that this was going to be something a bit special.
They then hit the stage and hammered out the first six songs with absolute precision getting everybody singing along and punching the air.
Niro then did one of his best guitar solos, later joined by flash on guitar,going into the next song the band left leaving flash to sing the opening verse of 'Not For Me' without backing, quite brilliant.
After a few more songs it was time for a bass solo from Alice, no ordinary solo though this used an industrial music backing tape and effects to create a very moody piece, oh and there was a poll dancer during as well.
More songs, more singing along, and just more fun !
We also got a drum solo from sky with strobe lighting to add to the mood and then the encore of 'Johnny B Goode' erupted the venue one more time and even confetti fired everywhere.
The gig was filmed and this may one day rank alongside some other great videos that were also career defining moments like Guns 'N' Roses Live at the Ritz and Motley Crue's Live at the Starwood.
Come the new year and already armed with new recordings King Lizard are about to step up and get the recognition they have long deserved !
Switchblade Kiss

Love & Bullets

With Liv Boeree on Guitar
Love & Bullets
Switchblade Kiss
Underworld 28.11.08
Switchblade Kiss
There seems to be quite a "Buzz" about these rockers from Southampton, but their generic glam punk is nothing special, you've heard it all before and will again and again.
Love And Bullets
A return to the stage for the second time this year, having split in January, and when you see the crowd singing along you wonder why they quit, their brand of classic rock mixed with a little glam and punk retains originality.Stand out tracks were '24 Hour Bitch' and the moving,heart wrenching 'Cunt'.
As some of you may know guitarist/vocalist Lakis now plays guitar with Nemhain so it was of special intrest to some of us when Liv Boeree (Nemhains very first guitarist) came on stage armed with guitar to play a cover of the Donnas 'Take It Off'.
All in all a good solid set.
King Lizard
They say that if you want to make it in this buisness then you have to work hard and the fearsome foursome of Flash, Sky, Niro and Alice have been working very hard for 2 years now and tonight was pay day!
Quizmania host Tim comes out onto the stage and introduces the members of the band and asks if we are ready to rock (Ahh the rock cliche number 23).
A packed Underworld went silent as the lights went out and the intro tape came on,a different approach from the band,you just knew that this was going to be something a bit special.
They then hit the stage and hammered out the first six songs with absolute precision getting everybody singing along and punching the air.
Niro then did one of his best guitar solos, later joined by flash on guitar,going into the next song the band left leaving flash to sing the opening verse of 'Not For Me' without backing, quite brilliant.
After a few more songs it was time for a bass solo from Alice, no ordinary solo though this used an industrial music backing tape and effects to create a very moody piece, oh and there was a poll dancer during as well.
More songs, more singing along, and just more fun !
We also got a drum solo from sky with strobe lighting to add to the mood and then the encore of 'Johnny B Goode' erupted the venue one more time and even confetti fired everywhere.
The gig was filmed and this may one day rank alongside some other great videos that were also career defining moments like Guns 'N' Roses Live at the Ritz and Motley Crue's Live at the Starwood.
Come the new year and already armed with new recordings King Lizard are about to step up and get the recognition they have long deserved !
Switchblade Kiss

Love & Bullets

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