03.Wild Flower (Acoustic)
Martamaria (vocals)
Daniele Panza (Guitars/Programming)
Gus Macricostas (Bass)
Vincenzo Infusino (Drums)
Gonzalo Carrera (Keyboards on Arashi)
Achilla are a London based four piece symphonic metal band made up of Hungarian singer,
Martamaria (a vocalist already in the Guniness Book of world records), Italian guitarist,
Daniele Panza (Ex Cavalar), Greek bassist Gus Macricostas and another Italian, drummer
Vincenzo Infusino. The band first formed in 2006 and there have been numerous line up changes before settling on the core quartet we have now.
Drawing on a myriad of influences that range from folk and progressive to good old heavy
metal they increasingly set themselves a reputation and high standard throughout 2009 and
soon came to the attention of TotalRock Radio, Metal Hammer magazine (Who had an earlier
version of Arashi on a cover mounted cd), Classic Rock magazine, Fireworks magazine,
Powerplay magazine (who had a demo of Wild Flower on their cover mounted cd) and even the
Guardian newspaper!
At the beginning of this year they set about recording their debut album 'Timeless' and also managed to tour the uk with 'Delain'.
This first single is released in digital form on September 1st and in physical form on the 16th (also the date for the official launch show at the Purple Turtle in Camden).
The song 'Arashi' will be know to many of you through the Metal Hammer cd anyway, but this is a far superior version.
Epic, Anthemic and Symphonic excellence, a truly great song that has everything you would expect from a band destined to be a leader in this genre.
This will no doubt have the same effect as a certain song called "Nemo" did a few years back (and we all know what that did to Nightwish's career).
'Volcano' has a cool bass and drum intro into some awesome guitarwork greet this first "new" track, clear and defined vocal comes through a superior production.
Some outstanding riffage from Daniele lifts this way above average and if this is representative of the album, then look out ears!
The exclusive acoustic version of 'Wild Flower' shows just why the "Achilla Acoustic Show" has become a popular duo (Marta & Dan) on the live circuit.
This is a much better version than appeared on the private released ep last year.
Superb in every possible way and in marked contrast to its electric brother, tis brings out different haunting qualities.
Without a doubt (ahem) "A Killer" little single, cant wait for the album.
Rating 10/10
For fans of: Nightwish, Therion, Epica, Tristania, Within Temptation