Music & Related Reviews. Other writing from the obscure realms of Mr Stu's Mind.
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Day Of Locusts - Ascent, Fire, Failure, Blood (Demo Review)

01.Ascent, Fire, Failure, Blood
Simon Neill (Vocals/Guitar)
Leon Heinimann (Bass)
Dave Guy (Drums/Guitar)
Grizzle (Guitar)
Drawing on 3 favoured genres, Doom Metal, Progressive rock and Avante garde, back in 2008 Dave from 'Kopperhed' joined with Simon and Leon from 'Living with Disfigurement' to create "a beast of riff wrongness".
Taking their name from the 1939 novel by Nathanael West,which deals with the alienation and desperation of a broad group of odd individuals who exist at the fringes of the Hollywood movie industry.While they describe their music as "Pink Floyd meets Crowbar fighting in quicksand".
Weighing in at 15 minutes this is one very epic debut, stating with some very clever use of effects pedals it moves into superb doom territory, incredibley heavy with devistatingly heavy drums and very strong vocals.
Nice melodic guitar breakdowns puncutuate the wall of sound to create unique structure.
8 minutes in the song gives way to some very quite guitarwork which in turn leads to a very different kind of sound that blends melody with a dark ambience and some slide guitar reminiscent of classic Pink Floyd.
After this melodic break the doom laden riff returns bringing a third style to the song and with some well placed vocal/backing vocal that really adds something extra to the mix.
Just seems to get heavier and heavier as we come to the end, cant help but turn the volume up and move to the rhythm.
Totally stunning track, no faults, in fact needs to be longer!!!!
Rating: 10/10
For Fans Of: Cathedral, Blood Island Raiders, Reverend Bizzare, Triptykon, Sunn o)))
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Macmillan Cancer Support Charity Rock Gig At The Gaff January 8th

On January 8th 2011 there is to be a big charity gig at the Gaff in Holloway Road, London, hosted by Deejay Mumin (Club dj/Recharged Radio)it promises to be an outstanding nights entertainment.
For your live entertainment we have :
For Aural delights DJ Angel and Deejay Mumin
For Visual Delights the Deadsexy Dolls.
All proceeds from this event will be going to Macmillan Cancer Support as part of Kate "Hardcore" Lane's efforts to raise £2.5k to run the London Marathon for them.
Macmillan Cancer Support improves the lives of people affected by cancer. They provide practical, medical, emotional and financial support and push for better cancer care. One in three of us will get cancer. Two million of us are living with it. We are all affected by cancer. We can all help. They are Macmillan.
Charity Registration No. 261017
Event on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=107415549328341
Join Kate's Facebook group for the marathon at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=123146724405738
Or to donate directly please go to http://www.justgiving.com/katelane77
Generation Graveyard - Poison City EP (Cd Review)

01.Poison City
02.All Hail The Plague
03.Murder Rock N Roll
Max (Vocals)
Spider (Guitar)
Pete Turner (Guitar)
Phil Roadkill (Bass)
Jonny (Drums)
Based in the depths of hell that is Camden, London the creature from that pit known as Generation Graveyard were formed early in 2008 by Vocalist/Dj Max (Pornscar, Muthafucker - take your pick and Ex Nothin To Lose).
With fellow musicians/Dj's Jonny (Le Shithouse!) and Phil Roadkill (Also a well know nightclub manager), guitarist Pete (Maleficient) and Spider.The band adopt a simple philosophy to their fucked up punked rock n roll : "Fuck the scene. Fuck the rules. Fuck genres. Fuck your twitter, Fuck your clique.This is music for the underdogs, the scumbags and the misunderstood.See you at the bar".
Throughout 2009 they built themselves a reputation as a very explosive live act and continue to increase their fanbase on a daily basis.
After numerous attempts to record demos, they finally found a studio strong enough to hold them and recorded three tracks at the beginning of this year.
Drums and a skuzzy riff kick off 'Poison City', great distorted vocals, nice catchy chorus of "This city is poison, this city will be my grave".
Always a live favourite and now given new life and a heavier edge, 'All Hail The Plague', Max's gruff vocal delivery over a heavy bass line leads into some great guitar work, pounding drums and awesome sing-a-long chorus, love it when Max screams "Death to your fucking age" a pure Fuck You and one worthy of Casey Chaos!
The doomy feedback intro to 'Murder Rock N Roll' soon leads to the chaotic and incendary vocal/guitar attack, perfect gang backing vocals, all driven by a solid high energy drum rhythm.
After the slow headbanging riff half way through we get a short but superb solo before returning to the song that quite simply says Generation Fucking Graveyard!!!
An all too short EP from a band who love and energy for their music just blasts through the speakers.
Rating 10/10
For Fans Of: Kvelertak, Amen, Warrior Soul, New York Dolls, Germs, Dead Boys
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Let Loose are back !!!!
Let Loose were huge in the mid nineties and had many hits
including the 'feel good' Summer anthem
"Crazy For You"which peaked at number two in the charts in June 1994 .
It was one of the best selling singles of 1994 in the UK
and was only prevented from reaching the number one spot
by Wet Wet Wet's 'Love is All Around '.
Other Let Loose songs included:
"One Night Stand"
"Best In Me"
"Everybody Say Everybody Do"
"Make It With You"
"Take It Easy"
and "Darling Be Home Soon"
Two of the original members ,vocalist Richie Wermerling
and drummer Lee Murray have recently reunited and
are currently working on material both old and new .
The event below is not to be missed as they will be
performing together live as Let Loose
for the very first time in public since 1996 !!!!
including the 'feel good' Summer anthem
"Crazy For You"which peaked at number two in the charts in June 1994 .
It was one of the best selling singles of 1994 in the UK
and was only prevented from reaching the number one spot
by Wet Wet Wet's 'Love is All Around '.
Other Let Loose songs included:
"One Night Stand"
"Best In Me"
"Everybody Say Everybody Do"
"Make It With You"
"Take It Easy"
and "Darling Be Home Soon"
Two of the original members ,vocalist Richie Wermerling
and drummer Lee Murray have recently reunited and
are currently working on material both old and new .
The event below is not to be missed as they will be
performing together live as Let Loose
for the very first time in public since 1996 !!!!

Motorhead - The World Is Yours (Cd Review)

1.Born To Lose
2.I Know How To Die
3.Get Back In Line
4.Devils In My Head
5.Rock ‘n’ Roll Music
6.Waiting For The Snake
7.Brotherhood Of Man
9.I Know What You Need
10.Bye Bye Bitch Bye Bye
Lemmy (Bass/Vocals)
Phil Campbell (Guitars)
Mikkey Dee (Drums)
How else can you start Motorhead album number 38 than with a song called 'Born To Lose'????
Lemmy sings "Go ahead put the blame on me, another reason to disagree, deaf to all the truth for sure, hear the hammer knocking at your door. But you know it’s all fairy tales".
Its pure Motorhead all the way, the bass, the drums, the guitar it never changes its always true, honest and straight forward rock n roll.
Other things never change either, a line from 'Get Back In Line' goes "If you think that Jesus saves, get back in line".
The rock n roll feel to 'Rock N Roll Music' reminds us that Lemmy has always held a large JD & Coke to said genre and reminds us all that "Rock n Roll music is the true religion. Never let you down you can dance to the rhythm".
There is a slight 'Audioslave' vibe to 'Waiting For The Snake' in the opening riff but dont let put you off!
The dark and quite outstanding song 'Brotherhood Of Man' plays like 'Orgasmatron' part two.
Lemmy growls "You cannot hide the truth from me I know what’s in your heart, Greed and jealousy each equal, all your days now dark. Mighty mountains fall in dust the world falls into hell, Faith in lying prophets, no one to lift the spell".
And if you need more that lays it on the line for humanity then, "We kill for money, wealth and lust, for this we should be damned. We are disease upon the world, brotherhood of man", sums it up.
Song ends with an awesome solo from Phil.
'Bye Bye Bitch Bye Bye' chalks up the end of yet another perfect (day) album!
I leave the final word to Lemmy :
"You don’t know a goddamm thing about the real world, Here’s a short sharp lesson, and I mean every word. You tell me that you love me but I’m just some other fool, So bite the bullet, eat your words, I’ll teach you the rules".
Rating 10/10
For Fans Of: Viking Skull, Damned, Ramones
Mostly Autumn - Go Well, Diamond Heart (Cd Review)

01.For All We Shared
02.Violet Skies
03.Deep In Borrowdale
04.Something Better
05.Go Well, Diamond Heart
06.Back To Life
07.Hold The Sun
08.And When The War Is Over…
Bryan Josh (Lead Guitar/Acoustic Guitar/Keyboards/Vocals)
Olivia Sparnenn (Vocals)
Andy Smith (Bass)
Anne-Marie Helder (Acoustic & Electric guitar/Flute/Keyboards/Vocals)
Gavin Griffiths (Drums)
Liam Davison (Electric & Acoustic Guitar/Vocals)
Iain Jennings (Keyboards/Synthesizers)
Formed in 1992 by Bryan Josh the English prog rock group Mostly Autumn have built a loyal following with little media coverage and no major label support and gained the attention of the likes of Jon Lord and Richard Wright and toured with with 'Blackmore's Night', 'Uriah Heep' and Jethro Tull.
19 albums later the band are attempting a slightly different musical direction and with the depature of original vocalist Heather Findlay last year is the debut for Olivia Sparnenn.
Overall the album sticks to celtic folk/rock influences and has little in common with any modern prog rock group i can think of.
Songs such as 'Deep In Borrowdale' show signs of a strong rock influence as does 'Something Better' with its nice guitar riff, however in the latters case the overall song is damaged by stupid lyrics.
Elsewhere i think the term "Ambient" could be applied, definatley too laid back for any listener, unless you still have those "New Age" tapes you brought at Glastonbury 30 years ago.
Very obvious post 'Final Cut' Pink Floyd influences show on 'Go Well, Diamond Heart' &'And When The War Is Over'.
Very talented musicians and great production cannot lift this beyond an average example of a genre that can still excite and be taken seriously by the modern music fan.
Rating 5/10
For Fans Of: Clannad, All About Eve, Corrs, David Gilmore
King Lizard - Viva La Decadence (Cd Review)

01.Viva La Decadence
02.Rain On You
03.Rock N' Roll Me
04.Hell Yeah
05.Video Lover
06.Kan't Kill Rock N' Roll
07.Never Be Mine
08.Not For Me
10.Taste The Hate
12.Late Nite Dynamite
Flash 'Roxx' Sawyer (Vocals/Piano)
Niro Knox (Guitars)
Alice Rain (Bass)
Sky London (Drums)
Andy Brook (Intro to 'Never Be Mine')
London's own "Monsters Of Rock" first appeared way back in 2002 playing gigs and releasing a couple of demos, but it wasnt until 2006 that the band really began to get noticed with a solid line up that gigged everywhere and produced the 'Late Nite Dynamite' EP in 2007.
Finally their debut album has arrived with songs produced by both Andy Brook (Shush/Catfight) and Chris Tsangarides (Thin Lizzy/Judas Priest).
The title track 'Viva La Decadence' is inspired by the club 'Decadence' in London's SoHo, considered by many to be the spiritual home of all things Glam N Sleaze.
Riff heavy and full of high pitched screaming vocals, great backing vocals, rhythmic drumming and thumping bass, dare i say a perfect introduction to both band and album.
Angry as hell with a cool Crue vibe comes the ultimiate in "Fuck You" songs, 'Rain On You', when Flash sings "No matter what you do, im gonna rain on you" you get the feeling he means it!
'Rock N' Roll Me' with its dirty bass line transcribes from live to studio perfectly, intresting use of dual vocal to add a slight touch of menace and some epic solo work from Niro.
'Hell Yeah' really delivers that sleaze sound, and a very catchy chorus that you cant help singing along to and more face-ripping guitar solo's."You're going straight back to hell.......Yeah!".
Something strangley rhythmic abut the bass n drum intro to 'Video Lover' but then it is a sweet and touching love song about porn :)
'Kan't Kill Rock N' Roll' seems slightly slower than its live counterpart, have to say this ones not one of my favourites and despite the great solo and overall performance the song doesnt quite fire on all cylinders.
But then comes 'Never Be Mine', this is truly outstanding, a slow, dark n sleazy number that has a few timing changes a brilliant breakdown with melancolic vocals that builds into a creshendo that axl would kill for (espeially these days!).
"Just a picture packed away like a broken toy" is the opening line sung over some great acoustic guitar from producer Andy Brook, this is no ordinary rock ballad, in fact i will go as far as to say that 'Not For Me' is possibley the greatest example of said genre.
Flash's vocals are perfect, emotional yet strong, the drum pattern holds everything together helped by precision bass playing and breathtaking guitar solo's.
A song destined to be the 'Dream On' for its generation.
A seemingly out of place piano intro to 'Riot' just works so well that you almost forget that the cool bass line is about to herald the noise fest that always sends the audiences crazy every time.
There is a hint of Alice Coopers "Im Eighteen" running through this, but it is pure King Lizard that blows a big hole in the speakers!
Love the hint of piano later in the song as well and the police sirens is a nice touch at the end.
A fast paced Glam/Metal hybrid 'Taste The Hate' is a furious rocker as is the awesome 'Outrageous'.
The definitive King Lizard song 'Late Nite Dynamite' explodes on disc just as it does when performed live, it ticks every box required for perfect rock n roll entertainment.
Rating 9/10
For Fans Of: Hanoi Rocks, Guns N Roses, LA Guns, Girl, Motley Crue
Catfight - Never Go Back EP (Cd Review)

02.Walking On Steel
Samara Kain (Vocal/Rhythm Guitar)
Martha Lewis (Lead Guitar)
Nix (Bass)
Magzilla (Drums)
It was at the end of 2008 when Catfight started to take shape, eventually making their debut supporting Nemhain (a band with which Samara had played rhythm guitar for)in February 2009.
Numerous line up changes and one stunning ep followed quickly gaining them a reputation as "THE" band to see live.
By spring of this year they had notched up support slots to just about every genre of band from Thrash to Punk.
They then returned to the studio with legendary producer Andy Brook for a second EP.
Keeping up their grunge/punk influence with 'Break' this opener shows that the band have moved forward in terms of writing and that vocalist Samara has both the confidence and ability to lead the band to bigger and better things.
With an opening guitar riff not unlike Bryan Adams 'Run To You', 'Walking On Steel' is a brilliant, moody and dark song.
Great guitar solo and superb vocal delivery punctuate a worthy follow up to last years 'Kill Me Again' and is definatley Catfight Classic Number Two.
Think i'll call this the "Lesbian Grunge Rocker", not sure why just something about the lyrics i guess!
It has a typical Courtney Love style but none of the arrogance, the song is short and sweet and kicks ass!
Rating 10/10
For Fans Of: Hole, Distillers, Throwing Muses,Nemhain
Dimmu Borgir - Abrahadabra (Cd Review)

02.Born Treacherous
04.Chess With The Abyss
05.Dimmu Borgir
07.The Demiurge Molecule
08.A Jewel Traced Through Coal
10.Endings And Continuations
Shagrath (vocals/keyboards/Effects)
Silenoz (Rhythm Guitar)
Galder(Lead Guitar)
Guests :
Snowy Shaw (Bass/Vocals)
Dariusz Brzozowski (Drums)
Agnete Kjølsrud (Vocals Track 3 & 10)
Garm from ULVER (Vocals On Track 10)
Gerlioz (keyboards)
Andy Sneap (Guitar On Track 3 & 9)
Ricky Black (Slide Guitar on track 10)
Orchestration and choir arranged by Gaute Storås and conducted by Rune Halvorsen
Recorded with the Norwegian Radio Orchestra
Schola Cantorum Choir
"Abrahadabra", loosely translated as "I will create as I speak", was created by author Aleister Crowley in his work, The Book of the Law.
For those who are intrested the five letters in the word are: A, the Crown; B, the Wand; D, the Cup; H, the Sword; R, the Rosy Cross; and refer further to Amoun the Father, Thoth His messenger, and Isis, Horus, Osiris, the divine-human triad.
To the band it represents an album title consisting of one word that goes hand-in-hand with the new material and the changes in musical and lyrical content.
So eleven months in production to create haunting, epic, atmospheric and ambient masterpiece with an array of musicians and a full ensemble orchestra, the Kringkastingsorkestret (the Norwegian Radio Orchestra), and the Schola Cantorum choir, totaling more than 100 musicians and singers.
The intro 'Xibir' is a pure orchestral piece and gives some clue to the maturity of the bands overall concept and the direction in which they wish to take "Symphonic Black metal" forward.
'Born Treacherous' is the perfect mix of "Traditional" Dimmu but it is the orchestration that creates a quite stunning song.
Powerful double peddling and vocal chorus introduces 'Gateways' a full blown mini epic with layered vocals and guest female vocals, awesome riffing and varied timing changes throughout.
At times 'Chess With The Abyss' bares some comparisons with Kamelot's March Of Mephisto, which featured a guest vocal from Shagrath some years back.
It also has that rare quality of being "Catchy"!
A self title song 'Dimmu Borgir', which translates as Dark Cities, also has a very catchy and infectious choral backing and gives us yet another outstanding song.
A ghostly howl, backward vocals and beautiful acoustic guitar lead into a hyper drumbeat and the song 'Ritualist', weird that the speed of the guitar and drums work so well against the slowness of the acoustic instruments.
Stunning vocal delivery from Snowy works well with Shagraths unique style.
A very different feel to 'The Demiurge Molecule' thanks to an out of charachter almost funky drum rhythm, but the song soon settles down into a pounding, slow and doomy song that has Shagrath screaming "I crave perfection", im thinking job done!!!
Creepy horror movie ambience, massive riffs, drums on speed, a middle section of vocal chorus like the Omen soundtrack, yep 'A Jewel Traced Through Coal' has it all amd more.
Have to say the bass really kicks through this one as well.
'Renewal' mixes the extremes of Black Metal with slower breakdowns that seem to "bounce" along.
The vocal presence of Snowy echoes throughout the slightly unusual tempo of the music.
'Endings And Continuations' features a guest vocal from Garm from Ulver, for this final song Dimmu have quite clearly made sure that every element they created for all the other songs appear together just to nail the point home that along with superb mixing and production that they have come of age and redifined a genre forever.
Rating 10/10
For Fans Of: Therion, Cradle Of Filth, Devil Doll, Apocalyptica
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