Sunday, 4 October 2020

Tenebrosian Tales By Steven C Davis & Stu Tovell (Surreal/Folk Horror Book OUT NOW!)


'Tenebrosian Tales' is a surreal anthology featuring NSFW noir mystery tales and record reviews. Stu Tovell's 'The Blood Stained Mask' novella comprises half the anthology, with folk horror mystery and Steampunk action-adventure interlaced with reviews of the 'Steampunk Records' and 'Raising Steam' anthologies as well as a couple of CDs from 'Feline & Strange'. There's also the 'Rise of the Saelvatici' tale from Wulfenstaeg, premiered at the Montol festival a couple of years ago and foreshadowing 'Lore of the Saelvatici', due out 2021. If you've read 'Cornix Sinistra' or 'The Heart's Cog Imperative' you will recognise some of the characters, but seen in different environments here.