01.Ascendance Of Impurity
02.Death Note
04.Trinity (Outro)
Dave Kuchta (Vocals)
Paul Scanlan (Guitar)
James McIlroy (Guitar)
Tilman Wolff-Moore (Bass/Vocals)
Matt C (Drums)
Hot of the press in time for last weekends 'Tsunami Festival' in Holland and completed just a few days before that, this is the second ep from the self styled "Blackened power Metal" supergroup featuring ex members of Cradle Of Filth, Biomechanical and Akercocke.
Opening song is a full speed onslaught with Dave's amazing vocal attack of screams followed by pure singing.It is a very drum driven track reminicent of early Satyricon, and also contains some great guitar solos.
'Death Note' continues in the same vein and yet again it is the vocal style of Dave that grabs your attention, the opening part has an almost arabic styled harmony before hitting that Dani Filth scream that he does so well.The song has a line in it "This is the time for retribution" and it sticks in your head instantly.
Now we come to the song i have been looking forward to since i first heard it performed live last december, 'Oppenheimer'.
It starts with a haunting riff with "Tubed" speech over it, it has a wonderful rhythmic drum backing before picking up the pace into an almost gothic/black metal epic like Paradise Lost.Im slightly dissapointed by some of the effects put on the vocal as it slightly spoils what Dave is singing (But then im used to hearing it live where dave just lets rip).
What i love about the song is the way it just moves, with 2 such accomplished guitarists in the band it is surprisng that there are no solos in the piece, but somehow that adds to the songs emotion because it allows it flow without breaks.
It is a masterpiece and it is aided by the final piece 'Trinity' which is basically a recording of the 'Enigma 2000' numbers code that used to be broadcast over shortwave radio since the second world war, to this day nobody really knows what they were for, with an ambient soundscape underneath.
Overall this is a great progression in both music and production, it is a slick well executed ep full of originality and should see the band marked out as something "special".
I look forward to the album and hope that they dont put too many effects on dave's voice next time.
Rating 9/10
For Fans Of : Cradle Of Filth, Satyricon, Fear Factory, Nile
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